
Who we are

蘇聖育 Shen Yu Su 薩克斯風 Tenor Sax
珈塔諾 . 帕蒂皮洛 Gaetano Partipilo 薩克斯風 Alto Sax Soprano Sax
法蘭契斯科 . 藍托 Francesco Lento 小號 Trumpet
朱瑟佩 . 巴斯 Giuseppe Bassi 貝斯 Bass
曾增譯 Tseng Yi Tseng 鋼琴 Piano
林冠良 Kuan-Liang Lin 爵士鼓 Drums

Mission Formosa nasce nel 2013 dall'incontro del contrabbassista pugliese Giuseppe Bassi con il talentuoso sassofonista taiwanese Shen-Yu Su. Arrichitosi successivamente di quattro elementi (il pianista Tseng-Yi Tseng, la batterista Kuan-Liang Lin, il sassofonista Gaetano Partipilo e il trombettista Francesco Lento), il gruppo si è imposto sulla scena jazzistica italiana e taiwanese attraendo nella sua orbita musicale artisti del calibro di Gegè Telesforo, Roberto Ottaviano, Dario Deidda e Enrico Rava. Lo scopo dei componenti del gruppo è quello di raccontare in musica la bellezza, la storia e la cultura di Formosa (nome originariamente utilizzato per identificare l'isola di Taiwan), ormai diventata la seconda casa del leader Giuseppe Bassi. In soli tre anni di attività, l'ensemble ha pubblicato due dischi ed effettuato sei tour in diverse formazioni costruendo con la propria musica un ponte immaginario fra Asia e Mediterraneo.

Mission Formosa was born in 2013 from the meeting of the Apulian double bassist Giuseppe Bassi with the talented Taiwanese saxophonist Shen-Yu Su. Enriched later by four members (pianist Tseng-Yi Tseng, drummer Kuan-Liang Lin, saxophonist Gaetano Partipilo, and trumpeter Francesco Lento), the group made a mark on the Italian and Taiwanese jazz scene, attracting artists of the caliber of Gegè Telesforo, Roberto Ottaviano, Dario Deidda, and Enrico Rava into its musical orbit. The goal of the group members is to narrate the beauty, history, and culture of Formosa (originally the name used to identify the island of Taiwan) through music, which has now become the second home for leader Giuseppe Bassi. In just three years of activity, the ensemble has released two albums and embarked on six tours in various formations, building with its music an imaginary bridge between Asia and the Mediterranean.

用爵士串連台灣義大利 用現代音符傳達熱情與文化 當兩個以美食聞名世界的國家交集 爵士樂則是另一道熱騰騰的夢想匯聚 以MISSION FORMOSA為名 帶著福爾摩沙走遍世界
2013年,來自義大利的爵士低音提琴手朱瑟佩 . 巴斯Giuseppe Bassi與台灣的爵士薩克斯風演奏家蘇聖育在台灣相遇,開啟了Mission Formosa的第一道任務指令,兩人走遍台灣各個爵士角落,與在地的爵士樂手相會,朱瑟佩在旅途中一步步感受到台灣人的熱情、華人世界的歷史文化、還有在地樂手們對於爵士的熱情與專注,決定與蘇聖育一同共組樂團,以Mission Formosa為名,集結義大利與台灣的優秀樂手,以每年於義大利、台灣兩地固定巡演之計畫,讓台灣爵士樂與國際當代爵士樂壇接軌,透過原創爵士音符,傳達福爾摩沙大地的美好與熱情。
低音提琴手朱瑟佩 . 巴斯Giuseppe Bassi為義大利當地知名爵士樂手,曾旅居紐約多年,與現今國際爵士大師合作巡演,為歐洲當代爵士樂重要低音提琴手;薩克斯風手蘇聖育活躍於台灣爵士樂界,為當代台灣重要薩克斯風演奏家之一;Mission Formosa以兩人為首,聚集義大利小號手法蘭契斯科 . 藍托Francesco Lento、薩克斯風手珈塔諾 . 帕蒂皮洛Gaetano Partipilo,以及台灣爵士鋼琴手曾增譯、鼓手林冠良共同組成。自2014年起,定期於台灣、義大利兩地進行巡演,期間曾與爵士樂大師Enrico Rava同台演出,成為站上義大利爵士樂舞台首組具有台灣血統的爵士樂團。
在2014年數十場的台義巡演後,2015年於義大利發行首張同名專輯「Mission Formosa」(與第一代爵士鋼琴手許郁瑛),該張專輯收錄多首描繪台灣人文社會的曲目,獲得義大利當地好奇與喜愛,其中由朱瑟佩 . 巴斯Giuseppe Bassi所創作的「鐘魁藍調(Zhong Kui Blues)」、以及台灣作曲家李泰祥所創作的「橄欖樹(Olive Tree)」更奠定成為Mission Formosa之後每場演出重要的能量招牌曲。2016年,加入新鋼琴手曾增譯,經2015/2016義大利數十場的巡演後,於2016年6月發行第二張專輯「Kind of True」。




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Tour dates


september 29 - Rhythm Alley - Taipei
september 30 - River Side - Taipei
october 1 - Chiang Kai Shek Memorial Hall - Taipei
october 1 - Tch Music Center - Taipei
october 6 - Zhongshan Community College - Taipei
october 7 - Taichung Jazz Festival - Taichung
october 8 - Taichung Municipal Cingshuei High School - Taichung


march 10 - Cotton Club - Roma
march 11 - Vicenza Jazz festival - Vicenza
march 12 - Fiemme Ski Jazz festival - Canazei (Tn)
march 17 - Fano Jazz club - Fano (Pu)
march 18 - Al Celone - Foggia
march 19 - Teatro Forma - Bari / with ENRICO RAVA
march 20 - Ancona Jazz - Ancona
march 27 - Andria (Bat)

november 26 - Datong Culture Center - Kaohsiung
november 26 - Marsalis Bar - Kaohsiung
november 27 - Marsalis Bar - Kaohsiung
november 30 - Brown Sugar Resturant - Taipei
december 02 - Legacy Taichung - Taichung
december 06 - Orange Peel - Hong Kong
december 07 - Marsalis Home Taipei - Taipei
december 09 - Private Concert - Tainan
december 10 - Private Concert - Taipei
december 11 - Private Concert - Taipei


march 11 - Marsalis Home Taipei - Taipei
march 28 - Marsalis - Kaohsiung
april 7 - Tainan University of the Arts - Tainan

july 15 - Marsalis Home - Taipei
july 16 - Rhythm Alley - Taipei / with DOMENICO SANNA
july 19 - Taipei Jazz Festival - Taipei

july 22 - Ancona Jazz - Ancona / with ROBERTO OTTAVIANO
july 25 - Locus Festival - Locorotondo (Br) / with ANDREA SABATINO and DARIO DEIDDA
august 01 - Ostuni Jazz Festival - Ostuni (Br)


july 20 - Gregory Jazz Club - Roma
july 21 - Pozzuoli Jazz Festival - Pozzuoli (Na)
august 02 - Adelfia in Jazz - Adelfia (Ba) with ROBERTO OTTAVIANO
august 04 - Beat Onto Jazz - Bitonto (Ba)
august 06 - Empoli Jazz Festival - Empoli (Fi)
august 07 - Art Festival Jazz Week Summer - Matino (Le) with GEGE' TELESFORO
august 14 - Jazzup Channel - Viterbo (Vt)
august 17 - Pecora Nera Pub - Cassano Delle Murge (Ba)

december 20 - Cantina Spumante D'Arapri - San Severo (Fg)
december 21 - Hotel De La Ville - Avellino (Av)
december 22 - Bacco Jazz Club - Taranto (Ta)
december 25 - Pietre Che Cantano - Cisternino (Br)
december 30 - Ladisa Jazz - Valenzano (Ba)


Management & Booking

Mario Melillo